jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2014

Mis películas favoritas

Good morning everyone, today I will talk about my favorite movies, actually I love watching movies, because they help me to learn some english and also I think sometimes it's antidepressant 

Lord of the rings
 as beginning with the trilogy of "The Lord of the Rings" for me is one of the best because the story is very clear, the plot is excellent and the action very well made, this includes the film "The Hobbit"

then the film "Transformers" are some of my favorites, excluding the last two as the story or plot is unclear, but it was good for me the best were the first two.

Fast and furious 

The "fast and furious" movies are not far behind, for me they were very good films, although the business was ended due to the departure of paul walker, so sad.

Scary movie 
Comedies also play an important role in my list, naming some as "how high" with rappers "methodman" and "redman", I recommend that movie, for sure !. Trilogy of "friday" with "ice cube" also very good comedy and all of "scary movie"  comedies are very good, well most black comedies are pretty funny.


How high

black hawk down
I also love war movies, among my favorites are those of "black hawk down", "saving private Ryan" and "fear zone", I super recommend them if you like that genre.
Black hawk down

saving private ryan, Normandy

saving private ryan

fear zone

and Without leaving american pie movies, very funny in my opinion

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